25 Nov 2020 04:28 PM
New norms, new needs. More and more businesses, small or big, are adapting to online operations to ensure survivability amidst the Covid-19 outbreak. But not all business owners are readily equipped to do so due to cost and location limitations.
Discover how your business can stay ahead with CONNECTme NOW.
25 Nov 2020 04:27 PM
Every day we come across examples such as these, of people who are struggling to get access to #Internet #connectivity, for what have become "digital essentials". Our #prepaid #satellite #broadband offerings can help bridge this digital divide.
Be connected to the world with CONNECTme NOW, Malaysia's First Prepaid Community WiFi at the comfort of your own location.
25 Nov 2020 04:27 PM
There's no denying that digital accessibility is still a luxury especially for rural communities in Malaysia despite being a necessity. Access to reliable communication enables higher standards of living and CONNECTme is on a mission to empower digital equality for all.
We are currently connecting 90,000 rural connections nationwide and are working to reach out to more communities.
No location is too remote for us to bring satellite broadband connectivity in Malaysia. Our technology is highly adaptable as it connects with any internet source and works off-grid, solar-powered, and under rough conditions.
Get in touch with us today to know more about CONNECTme NOW - Malaysia's First Prepaid WiFi, Satellite Broadband Service.
Source: POS RPS Kemar, Perak.
Here is a glimpse of how CONNECTme NOW installation is done and connection over satellite broadband made possible within a day.
Want to empower your community with broadband? Drop us a message today and we will get you connected with our Authorised Distributors.
Source: POS RPS Kemar, Perak
Dengan CONNECTme NOW, kualiti hidup ditingkatkan
Akses Internet berkelajuan tinggi meskipun di lokasi terpencil di Malaysia
Dunia lebih bermakna jika dihubungkan dengan CONNECTme NOW